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Impending Arrival of Spring Presents a New Set of Driving Hazards

Many breathe a sigh of relief knowing that difficult winter driving is coming to an end. But, driving in the Northwest with its spring driving hazards can pose a different set of problems to be aware of. Spring can bring lots of rain and the flooding that comes with it, making driving downright stressful.

Here Are Some Things to Watch Out For When Driving in Spring


Winter weather and cold temperatures combined with rain and the occasional snow can break down the road’s surface and cause potholes to form. Some can get big after repeated pounding by traffic and the result is a serious hazard. When they fill up with heavy rain they are difficult to see – until it’s too late.

The result can be flat tires, bent rims, alignment damage, or even damaged suspension.

Keep a safe distance from the car in front of you so in case they swerve or brake in an attempt to avoid the pothole, you can react in time.

If you see a pothole, never swerve. Gently brake and change lanes if possible. Slowing down will help you navigate the pothole with less of a chance of damage.

Spring Rainstorms

Spring driving hazards can include torrential downpours, which can not only make streets slick, but also reduce visibility.

First rains can mix with oil and grease that is on the road and make for a very slippery surface. Curves that normally can be navigated can turn into a slick surface and your tires can lose their grip on the road!

Windshield wipers can struggle to keep the windshield clear in times of heavy rain. Make sure your wipers are not worn out before heading out, keep a safe distance between you and the car in front of you and slow down!

Watch for Pedestrians

As the weather improves and the days get longer, more people are out and about. Walkers, joggers, and bicyclists are out on the roads and at crosswalks. Pay extra attention at crosswalks and give bicyclists plenty of room.

Remember that pedestrians have the right of way in crosswalks and at walk signals.

Check Your Tires

During the winter, tires lose air due to the colder temperatures, causing them to be underinflated. This can cause handling problems and excess wear on your tires. Make sure they’re properly inflated.

Worn tires can also lose gripping power on streets slick with rain. Make sure your tires have adequate tread to maintain traction on the road. If they need to be replaced, don’t just get the cheapest tire, research what the best tire for your vehicle is. Tires are important for keeping you safe on the road, so you don’t want to compromise!

Construction Zones

With spring weather comes increased road construction and repair. Road crews are out in force during the spring repairing all the damage that the winter has caused to the pavement.

Be aware of construction zones, slow down, and obey are reduced speed zones. Washington has laws that increase fines considerably in construction zones due to speeding drivers causing accidents – and even deaths – in these congested areas. Remember, they’re trying to keep the roads safe for you to drive on. Give them a brake!

Share the Road

Both bicyclists and motorcyclists have a right to use the roads.

Bicyclists are generally slower than vehicular traffic, and when approaching them they are difficult to see due to their narrow width. Be alert for them and, when possible, give them a wide berth.

Motorcyclists, on the other hand, can come up on cars very quickly, due to their quick acceleration. Make sure you look in your rearview mirror and check your blind spots before changing lanes, as motorcycles are difficult to spot due to their smaller size.

Make sure your auto insurance is adequate to cover you if something goes wrong. Get a free quote


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