English blog

The Downside of More Daylight

Daylight Saving Time brings more daylight, but also more distractions on the road.

While almost everyone enjoys the extra hour of daylight that Daylight Saving Time brings, it’s important to be aware of the added distractions – and dangers – that come with it.

In addition to the longer days, the weather begins to get warmer. This entices people cooped up all winter to get out of the house and go for a refreshing walk, jog, or bike ride.

Suddenly, quiet crosswalks and sidewalks crowded with more and more people, while steady streams of bicyclists are pedaling up and down the road, enjoying the fresh air. Not all of these people will be mindful of the safety rules of the road, so drivers need to be keenly aware of pedestrians and bicyclists. This is made considerably more difficult when the sun is glaring in your eyes!

Slow Down Near Intersections

While most pedestrians will use the crosswalk, there are some intersections that are unmarked and other times when the walker will cut across unexpectedly. Stay alert at all times, especially when traveling in neighborhoods where children are playing. Slow down and pay close attention to avoid a terrible situation.

Keep Your Eyes on the Road

It is never good to fiddle with the radio or check your eyeliner in the rearview mirror while driving, but when you’re in neighborhoods filled with people, it’s downright dangerous. It’s even more dangerous (and illegal) to use your cellphone, whether it’s an important call or a quick text. Even a few seconds of distraction can mean you don’t see the pedestrian in time!

Studies by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration have found that using a cellphone is actually more likely to cause an accident than driving under the influence!

Avoid Eating While Driving

Another form of distracted driving that can cause an accident is eating and drinking while driving.

While you may be running late and decide to grab a quick bite on the road, it can dangerous distractions. Taking your eyes off the road for only a few seconds is long enough to hit or even kill someone. Is it worth it?

With the added distractions of spring, now is a good time to review your auto insurance. Visit https://sav-on.com/auto-insurance/ for a free rate quote!


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