teen drivers

Blog posts, safety tips, and helpful information for teenagers and parents of teen drivers, including how to get the best rate and auto insurance coverage for teens.

Texting While Driving: As Dangerous as Drunk Driving

Everyone knows about the dangers of drinking and driving. People are killed frequently by drivers under the influence of alcohol…

4 years ago

Get Your Vehicle Ready Before the Weather Turns Cold

The autumn leaves have fallen and so has the temperature. Soon the nights will be getting down near freezing, so…

4 years ago

When Do Your Kids Need Their Own Auto Insurance?

Frequently, many of our clients have lots of questions about auto insurance when it comes to their teen and early…

4 years ago

Spring Driving: Be Aware of Unexpected Driving Dangers

With better weather and longer daylight hours drivers think that streets and highways are safer, but that’s not always the…

4 years ago

Top 7 Things To Look For When Buying Insurance

So you’re ready to shop for insurance and are hoping for a great deal.  But did you know that there are…

5 years ago

HOV Lane Violators to Face Higher Fines

The Seattle area commute is fraught with slowdowns and gridlock most hours of the day. The High Occupancy Vehicle (HOV)…

5 years ago

Aftermarket Parts and Car Insurance: Are You Covered?

You've taken your favorite car and tricked it out. New paint, new coilovers, new wheels and tires, and an awesome…

5 years ago