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Fun Things To Do While Staying Safe During the Pandemic

With organized sports canceled, youth organizations such as Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts, and Girl Scouts postponed into the future, and schools probably not opening until well into the fall, it’s difficult to keep kids active and engaged in more than Instagram and YouTube.

But, there’s hope. There are still fun, creative things that kids – and even adults – can do to weather this terrible pandemic and practice social distancing without going stir-crazy!

Explore a Nearby Park

It’s a good idea to avoid long drives and crowded areas, so stay near home and parks you can walk to. Since most of the climbing equipment may be cordoned off have kids climb trees, kick a soccer ball (only feet are used), or fly a kite. This will provide fresh air and exercise (and get them off their phones or X-Box).

Learn a New Skill

There are plenty of outdoor activities where kids can learn new skills. Teach them how to tie a variety of knots, find shells on the beach, or fish for trout from the shore.

Older kids can try their hand at whittling a piece of wood into something (with proper supervision) or go for a hike.

Study Nature

Bring a net and a magnifying glass and catch a variety of insects, put them in a jar and study the amazing detail in each, then release them. Look for a caterpillar. Put it in a jar and watch the transformation. Who knows, maybe you have a future entomologist on your hands!

Add a little technology and use your phone to go to Seek by iNaturalist ( to help identify plants and animals you may see. Budding astronomers might like Sky Map, an app that identifies different constellations.

Easy Science Experiments

Children are born scientists. They’re always experimenting with something, whether they’re throwing a plate of spaghetti on the wall, blowing bubbles in the bathwater, or stacking blocks into an intricate tower only to destroy it in one big swipe.

You can actually do some pretty mind-blowing, hands-on science experiments at home using stuff you probably have lying around the house. Go to to find a number of fun projects that are fun and safe to perform with your kids:

• Learn about the crystallization process by growing rock candy in a glass.
• Make a lava lamp by pouring vegetable oil into water and then adding an Alka-Seltzer tablet to make the blob of oil move.
• Borax plus glue equals homemade slime.
• Use lemon juice to make invisible ink that can only be seen when held up to a heat source.
• Use food coloring and water to make a walking rainbow and 
 explore how combining primary colors makes secondary colors.

Household Entertainment

Sometimes the simplest things are the most fun. How many times have you seen a child have more fun playing in the box the Christmas present came in, ignoring the expensive gift that came in that box!

Cardboard boxes are an awesome (and inexpensive) way to keep children entertained. If you and your partner have found yourselves at home this work week, stuck inside with kids who are also quarantined, bored, and coming down with cabin fever, have them make a fort with a box and a blanket. Or maybe a rocket ship, speed boat or locomotive! All it takes is a little imagination and some crayons.

How about a treasure hunt? Treasure hunts are pretty easy and depending on how many items there are, could last a while. Hide anywhere from 10 to 20 items around the house or outside to keep kids occupied for a few hours. When they find all the treasure reward them with a popsicle.

Bake something together. Cookies are always a kid favorite and licking the bowl is a treat! This teaches kids basic cooking skills as well as giving mom or dad some quality time with the children. And the end result is some delicious dessert!

Make Elephant Toothpaste

Using the laws of both chemistry and biology, this recipe will cause an enormous foaming reaction, fit for an elephant (

Cleaning Races

Have cleaning races every day. Pick a room, set a timer, turn on some music and see how long it takes to race around putting toys away, dusting and vacuuming.

Technology Fun

Take a virtual trip to someplace fun. We are encouraged to stay home so we don’t contribute to the spread of the disease, so why not go on a virtual trip to Yellowstone Park? visit the Mud Volcano, Mammoth Hot Springs, and so much more on a digital field trip (

Fun Ways to Exercise

By making exercise a game or contest, you can get the kids to get some exercise without them knowing it.

Turn your backyard into a baseball field. Then choose sides and play a game. Or get out the jump ropes and set the timer to see who can jump the most. If your kids are reluctant hikers or bike riders, give them an incentive. Before you set out on your hike or ride, pack a backpack with some favorite snacks. Tell them they get a surprise after 10 minutes without complaints.

If you do decide to go for a drive, go the speed limit and stay safe. Need to update your auto insurance?

SAV-ON can provide low-cost auto insurance!


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