Our newest Customer Service Rep comes to SAV-ON with a unique background that includes, among other things, working on political campaigns, training in mixed martial arts (MMA), and even an assignment as a bodyguard during a Seattle concert!

Danny Hamilton
Danny Hamilton, who was born and raised in White Center, has come full circle and now works in the SAV-ON White Center office, which is walking distance from his home. Hired last October, he brings a variety of job experiences to the company. Although all of it is in professions other than insurance, the life lessons he has learned have prepared him well for this line of work.
What he lacks in insurance experience he makes up for in enthusiasm and attitude. The discipline and control he learned in MMA have served him well when dealing with stress of the fast-paced insurance business, and he relishes the satisfaction he gets when helping a customer or being able to assist a co-worker complete her work.
After dropping out of high school, Danny went back and got his GED, then enrolled in college at South Seattle Community College where he worked on his Associate of Arts degree. Then, when his financial aid ran out, he decided it was time to find a job.
Security Guard Work
A student of the martial art of Jiu-Jitsu, Danny was able to find employment as a security guard, then a casino guard, and even one time as the aforementioned bodyguard. It was a Key Arena concert, and he worked the barricade by the stage, making sure that no one got on stage.
“It turned out to be uneventful,” he recalls. “No one even attempted to get on the stage, but I was ready if they had tried!”
He also did some work on a couple of state campaigns for a state representative and a state senator. But he decided politics weren’t right for him.
While he was between jobs due to the pandemic, he saw an online advertisement for a customer service job in SAV-ON’s Seattle/White Center office. Since it was in his backyard, he thought it would be a good opportunity. He applied, was soon interviewed, and started last October.
He enjoys his new job, especially interacting with customers and meeting new people. He likes helping them and feels it is a rewarding part of his job.
“It’s work first when I get to the office, “ he stresses. “I am determined to give the best possible customer service to all my customers. I am able to adapt to whatever situation that presents itself to satisfy the client.”
A Sports Enthusiast
Danny considers himself a sports nut. He loves to watch any sport that’s on TV. His favorites are boxing, martial arts, football, and basketball, but he’ll watch just about any sport that’s on.
One of his more memorable experiences led him to participate in another sport. When he was only seven years old he went to a lake with his stepfather. He walked backward off a dock and almost drowned. When his stepfather jumped in to save him, he almost caused his stepfather to drowned, too. He vowed to never let that happen again, so he joined his school’s swim team and is now an excellent swimmer!
Determination has carried him throughout his life. When he was nine or ten, he was chosen to throw out the first pitch at a college baseball game. He practiced for a long time to throw the best pitch he could in what was to be a quick event. When it was time for the pitch, it didn’t go well, but it wasn’t because he hadn’t tried.
He brings that same dedication to his job at SAV-ON Insurance. He likes to use his positive attitude and sense of humor to make clients feel comfortable. He enjoys getting to know them and helping them with their problems or questions. When they leave satisfied he feels a sense of accomplishment.
Danny really likes his new job at SAV-ON. He enjoys working with his co-workers and appreciates the family-like atmosphere at SAV-ON.
Eventually, he wants to resume his mixed martial arts training and would like someday to train at-risk kids in MMA and boxing. He feels that teaching them the discipline and control necessary in those sports keeps them interested and off the streets.
With his determination and enthusiasm, it will undoubtedly happen!