We’re about to ring in another new year and each year the challenges – and opportunities– increase.

2022 promises to be no different. The pandemic continues to wreak havoc on us, and the new Omnicron variant (or the one that comes next) may pose new threats to the efficacy of the current vaccines.

But we’ve suffered through this for almost two years. So what’s a person to do?

Fresh Air

Get outside and away from crowded indoor places where COVID lives. Go for a walk around your neighborhood or, for those more adventurous, go hike on one of the many trails that are not far away. It’s also fun to go to a park with family and enjoy the afternoon in the relatively mild Northwest weather (just don’t forget an umbrella).

Want to get away? Pile the family in the car and drive up to the pass and go sledding, sliding, or even do some skiing.
Exercise and fresh air is the perfect antidote for the winter doldrums.

Day Tripping

If exercise isn’t your thing, take a drive up to Snoqualmie Falls. With all the rain, the falls will be amazing now.
A drive up to the Northern Cascades is always spectacular this time of year and the roads are still fairly easy to travel on since the snowfall hasn’t built up yet. But, either go in an all-wheel-drive vehicle or carry a set of tire chains.

Take in a Game

Our local sports scene added a new franchise this year, the NHL’s newest team. The Kraken, Seattle’s newest team, has taken the ice. They have been well-received an play an exciting game of hockey!

The Seattle Seahawks, our professional football team, still has a few home games to play this year. No matter what their record is, it’s always fun to take in a football game.

Indoor Entertainment

Even though the pandemic has put a crimp on indoor gatherings, you can still grab a mask and take in many more events than you could in 2020.

2022 promises a number of music concerts, which are again filling arenas and concert halls. Comedy shows and festivals are going on all over Western Washington.

It doesn’t matter what your taste in entertainment is, there’s something for you in 2022. Everything from Polar Bear Plunges to Medieval Fairs and everything in between. For a calendar of events, go to www.events12.com/seattle/january/

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