Whether it’s a windstorm, wildfire or even an earthquake, the Northwest is no stranger to emergencies. If you’re unlucky enough to be caught in your car when one of these disasters occurs, will you be OK?

With an emergency weather kit on hand, it could go a long way in helping you survive. But who has time to make one? You do!

In less than an hour, you can assemble the 10 essential items you’d need to sustain your family for up to three days if you get stranded. Get flip-top plastic storage containers and pack them with:

1. Ready-to-eat food from the pantry: pop-top soup, granola bars, tuna pouches, peanut butter, crackers and, if you have pets, pet food
2. Bottled water (one gallon per person, per day).
3. Prescription medicine (clearly labeled in original bottles).
4. Cash (smaller bills). Credit cards and ATMs won’t work if the power is out.
5. Sleeping bags in case you need to sleep in the car.
6. Car phone charger.
7. Change of clothes and shoes.
8. Personal care items, including toilet paper and baby wipes.
9. Battery-operated lantern and flashlight.
10. Basic first-aid kit.

Keep your storage boxes in an easy-to-grab place in case you need to get out fast – and be sure to use and replace your food, water, and medicine every six months so they stay fresh.

While this may seem like an over-reaction to an unlikely situation if it does happen it could save your life!

Source: PEMCO Insurance

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