With most marinas currently shut down due to the COVID-19 concerns, many people are wondering how long it will be until they can get back on the water. It’s anyone’s guess, but eventually, the pandemic will ease and outdoor activities like boating will be back. Are you counting the days?

While everyone loves to get on the lake in your boat or personal watercraft, obtaining boat insurance is very important. There are a few other things you need to take care of, too.

Do you have a current Washington Boaters License?

Washington state requires most boaters to pass a boat safety examination and obtain a state-issued boater’s license in addition to your regular driver’s license.

If you are driving a boat and are stopped by the Coast Guard, you are required to have this with you on the boat at all times. Failure to do so will result in a fine.

Are you properly covered?

Since boat insurance isn’t required in most states, including Washington, a lot of people skip it in order to save money. But that’s a very risky idea!

First, without coverage, you’re risking all the money you spent on your boat. Would you drive your expensive car without insurance? Probably not!

Second, boats are a liability exposure. That means that they open you up to lawsuits. If you were to have an accident and damage someone’s boat or personal property, then you could be held responsible.

With the proper insurance coverage, this wouldn’t be a problem. You’d be protected! In fact, we typically recommend that clients with a high level of assets purchase extra liability coverage if they own a boat.

Boat insurance is very affordable!

All in all, purchasing boat owners insurance is a simple way to give yourself a lot of peace of mind. Who wants to worry about insurance when they’re out on the water? And for only pennies a day it’s well worth it!

Call SAV-ON Insurance today at 888-867-2866 for a free quote on your boat or watercraft. Or visit https://sav-on.com/boat-insurance/