Even though last year’s winter was the warmest on record, this year’s temperatures are predicted to be closer to normal. That means colder. Couple that with the soaring heating costs and you’ll need to do some budget tightening this winter.

The Annual Winter Fuels Outlook from the Energy Department’s Energy Information Administration forecasts a 43% rise in heating bills for heating oil customers, 30% for natural gas customers, 50% for propane customers, and only 6% for electricity customers.

With those steep increases, most homeowners will need to find a way to save money on heating this winter or see their budget busted.

There are several ways homeowners can lower their bills, despite the cooler weather that has been predicted.

Get a Furnace Checkup

Heating your home is typically your biggest heating expense, which also means it’s where you can save the most. Hire a professional to check your heating system to ensure it’s operating efficiently.

Turn Down the Thermostat

When you go to work or to bed, turn the thermostat down 10 degrees (or set it to automatically go down if your thermostat allows this). Then throw an extra blanket on the bed if you get cold. That simple step alone could save you 14% on your heating bill!

Add Weather Stripping

Add or replace old weather stripping around windows and exterior doors to keep the heat from seeping out through the cracks.

Close the Curtains

Keeping the curtains closed at night helps prevent the heat from escaping. Open them during the sunny days to allow the sun to warm your home.

Replace Your Old Furnace

That sounds like a big expense, but if your furnace is over 15 years old you can save money in the long run with a new fuel-efficient furnace or heat pump.

Lower Water Heater Temperature

Turn down the temperature of your water heater to between 115 – 120 degrees. This will reduce energy costs with no significant reduction in hot water.

Keep Garage Door Shut

If your garage is attached to your home, leaving it open can waste heat.

Replace the Furnace Air Filter

Dirty air filters cause your furnace to work harder to circulate the warm air. It also shortens the life of the furnace, since it’s forced to work harder.

Close Fireplace Flues

If you have a fireplace and aren’t using it, make sure the flue and glass doors are closed. Heat rises and you’d be surprised how much of it can escape up the chimney if it’s left open!

Wash Laundry in Cold Water

Use the cold setting on your washing machine, which is just as effective with today’s detergents. Run full loads of dishes and laundry, and time your wash, so the dryer doesn’t have the chance to cool down between loads, forcing it to use more energy as it reheats.

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