So you’re stranded with a dead battery in your car and there are no other cars around. What can you do to jump-start your car?

First, make sure your battery is not damaged or leaking. Never try to jump a damaged battery!

There are two main options, depending on whether you have a standard (stick shift) transmission or an automatic transmission.

Automatic Transmission

Since most vehicles these days have automatic transmissions, chances are this will be what you are faced with.

Using a jump-starter is the easiest method. Make sure the device is fully charged. Connect the red clamp on the positive (+) post of the battery, and the black clamp either on an unpainted, grounded surface on the vehicle’s frame, or on the negative post.

Turn the jump-starter on and wait a minute for the starter to send some power to the battery. Then start the car. If it’s still dead, wait a few more minutes to give the starter a chance to charge the battery more, then try it again.

Once the car starts, turn the power off on the jump-starter and remove the clamps in reverse: First, take the black clamp off, then the red (positive) clamp off.

Don’t forget to recharge the jump-starter after use.

Roadside Assistance

If you have AAA or roadside assistance through your car insurance policy, and don’t have a jump-starter, then call them. Most roadside assistance companies have jump-starters. In the event your battery is damaged or unable to hold a charge, they may have a new battery they can sell you and switch out on the spot.

Manual Transmission

If you’re one of the few who still enjoy shifting gears, the jump-starter is also a good bet. Just make sure you put the transmission in neutral and apply the emergency brake before attempting to start the car.

Of course, roadside assistance is also a good option, but if you don’t have either of those then you need to rely on muscle power.

You’ll need a couple of strong people behind your car pushing as you put the transmission in low gear and hold down the clutch. Once they get the car moving at a decent speed (4-5 mph is probably enough), then “pop” or release the clutch pedal. This manual turns the engine over and should start the car without involving the battery.

Once the car starts, do not turn it off until you arrive at an auto parts store to purchase a new battery!

Make sure your auto insurance covers you. Find out by calling SAV-ON at 888-867-2866 or getting a free quote.