When Jenelle got the phone call from SAV-ON, she thought it was going to be a reminder that it was time to renew their insurance policy.

So, imagine her surprise when Lauri, her SAV-ON agent, told her she and her husband, Todd, were the winners of the Referral Rewards annual Grand Prize drawing for a 50” HD TV!

She and Todd have referred many people over the years, and had once won a gift certificate for a referral, but never had expected to win anything that nice.

They have been SAV-ON customers for the past six years. When their daughter turned 16, they bought her a car, and then looked into getting insurance for her at their insurance company. When the cost came back at about $400 a month, they were shocked at the cost.

Then a family friend suggested Jenelle call Lauri at SAV-ON Insurance. Lauri came back with a quote that was much lower and they’ve been happy clients of Lauri’s ever since!

“We refer family and friends to Lauri every chance we get,” Jenelle says. “She always gets them great rates! In fact, I was talking to a girlfriend just this week about getting a rate quote from SAV-ON.”

“Both Todd and I love the Referral Rewards program and the prizes, but I would refer my friends anyway. I want them to see them save money on their insurance.”

Now that they have a beautiful, new 50” HD TV where did they put it?

“We put it in the upstairs bedroom, replacing our 32” TV,” she explains. “The new one is absolutely beautiful!”

You could be our next lucky Grand Prize winner just like Jenelle and Todd. It’s simple; just refer a friend or family member for a free quote.

You could win a restaurant gift card or maybe even take home your very own TV next December, just in time for Christmas!

If you have a teen driver in the house, there are discounts we can find to lower your rates! Visit https://sav-on.com to find out how much you could save!