Following in her sister’s footsteps, Mirissa Ochoa is now hard at work at SAV-ON in the Data Entry department working with her sister Maygen!

A recent high school graduate of Covington’s Kentwood High School, she is currently attending South Puget Sound Community College. She is focusing on a career in engineering or architectural design, which is one of the community colleges that specializes in that area of study.

In her only previous job experience at a major pizza franchise, she worked her way up from entry level to manager in just over four months. Being a go-getter and quick learner will bode well for her throughout her career, no matter what she ends up doing!

Her strength in numbers and attention to detail comes in handy in data entry. She enjoys the work and especially the closeness of the SAV-ON ‘family’.

A People Person

“I like being around people, and at SAV-ON everyone is super nice”, she says. “It’s like a family here, and everyone is easy to get along with.”

As an example of SAV-ON’s understanding atmosphere, when college classes resumed in April, she asked to be reduced to part-time so she could take the courses she needs. That request was granted right away. Try doing that at a big, faceless insurance company!

She recently moved to the South Hill of Puyallup with her mother and sister Megan. They also have a dog named Bruce and a cat named Enzo.

Even Enzo has ties to SAV-ON, as he was “adopted” by Mirissa and her family after being found in the parking lot of SAV-ON’s Des Moines office!

Like most young people, in her leisure time she enjoys hanging out with friends and playing video games or spending some time in the mall. But she also loves recreational activities like bowling or playing Top Golf. During one session at Top Golf, she hit the ball so far that she won appetizers for her entire group!

Family is Number One

She not only is a quick learner, but she describes herself as bringing “positive vibes” to whatever she does. She also enjoys telling jokes, but also admits to having a sarcastic side.
Very family-oriented, when Mirissa has a few days off she likes to head to Reno, where her parents grew up, to connect with family members who still live there. Recently, her aging grandfather moved in with them in Puyallup so they could be around to help him.

One of her most memorable job experiences was when she worked at the pizza restaurant and there was a shooting in the back parking lot one night. Thankfully, no one was killed, but even though the parking lot was full of police cars and detectives and covered with yellow “do not cross” tape, the pizza place kept their doors open and went on as if nothing had happened, with Mirissa patiently working the counter.

With her ability to learn quickly and stay focused on the task at hand, she will be a very good asset to the SAV-ON Insurance team!