SAV-ON Insurance has always put our customers first. We live and work in this community and our customers are also our neighbors and have started our Care Calls program.

During this difficult time when we’re all struggling with this terrible pandemic, we are there for you and want to make sure you and your loved ones are doing well and staying safe.

‘Care Calls’ is our new program aimed at making sure our customers are coping with all the changes that have made life more difficult recently. We are calling customers to check-in and make sure they’re doing well and to ask if there’s anything we can do to help.

So, expect a call soon from a SAV-ON agent who will identify themselves and will ask if there’s anything they can do to help you. We want to emphasize that this is a legitimate program, not a scam, so please feel free to let them know if there’s anything we can help you with.

SAV-ON Insurance is considered an essential business, so even though our office doors are temporarily locked, our agents are still inside answering client calls and returning emails, making sure our customers have the insurance they need. Call the SAV-ON office near you (toll free at 888-867-2866) or go online to and you can get most of your insurance needs met without leaving your home!

Payment Problems? We Can Help!

If you have lost a job or are having any financial setbacks during this economic downturn, we want to work with you to help you get through this. The Washington Insurance Commissioner has issued an emergency order stating that between March 25 and May 9, 2020 all insurance carriers shall provide grace periods for nonpayment of premiums and waive any applicable fees associated with this.

Your insurance carrier may still give you a grace period after this order has expired, so call SAV-ON if you are having trouble paying your premium during this period and we will contact your insurance carrier for you.

Your Well-Being is Important to Us

We appreciate our loyal customers and want to help provide needed support and reassurance during these uncertain times. SAV-ON has always been a part of this community and appreciates the support you have given us; now we want to give back to you. Stay home and stay safe!