March is almost here, and with it comes some of the most unpredictable weather of the whole year! Be prepared for March and you could save yourself a lot of problems. That means being ready for whatever Mother Nature decides to bring!

You’ve undoubtedly heard the saying, “March comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb”. It’s not quite that simple anymore, with climate change affecting much of our weather, but you get the idea. One day it’s windy and cold with some snow, and a couple days later the sun comes out and you don’t need a jacket!

What do you need to do this month to keep your home running smoothly and your family protected?  Read below to find out!  

Change Batteries in Smoke Detectors – When Daylight Saving Time makes you move your clocks ahead one hour on Sunday morning, March 10th, it’s a great idea to change the batteries in all smoke and carbon monoxide detectors at that time.  This way you always know that they are working and in good order!


Make a Severe Weather Plan – Designate a safe place in your home in case of bad weather.  Stock it with basic emergency food and supplies, and throw in an extra flashlight and batteries too!

Check Your Credit Report – March is Credit Education Month.  When was the last time you checked to see that your credit reports were accurate?  If it’s been over a year, stop by and order a free copy today. 

Flood Insurance Coverage – Do you live near a river or lowland area prone to flooding? With all the snow we’ve had this year (a record amount in February!), when the snow starts melting in the mountains it could mean some severe flooding in the lowland areas around Western Washington. But don’t wait! Flood insurance has a 30-day delay before it takes effect in this state, so it’s important to add that coverage BEFORE a flood occurs or you may not be covered.

Review Your Insurance Discounts – Are you getting all the discounts you qualify for?  March is a good time to call your SAV-ON agent and setup an appointment to review your policy and see if there are any changes that need to be made.

And as always, call SAV-ON Insurance Agencies at 888-867-2866 if you have any questions or need assistance with auto, home, business, or life insurance. 

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