Discounts are the best way to save on your insurance premium each and every month.  But a lot of people are missing out on them!  With a little documentation, you could see great savings with available insurance discounts.

Security Discounts

Does your home have a security system or fire protection system?  Some of these devices will help you save big on your home or renters insurance.  If you have a certificate of installation (and even if you don’t), let us know and we’ll see if you qualify.

Driver Training & Defensive Driving

Did your child take a Driver’s Education course?  Did you take a Defensive Driving course?  These classes will typically qualify for discounts!  Just bring in a copy of your completion certificate and we’ll get it added to your policy.

Teenage Driver With Good Grades

Good grades will help you save!  Some of our policies offer a discount for students who maintain a high Grade Point Average (GPA).  Give SAV-ON a call to find out about the requirements for your particular policy. 

Payment Discounts

There are many different options when it comes to paying your premiums.  Some policies offer discounts for paying in full or a reduced installment fee if you put the payment on auto-draft.  We can advise you of all the payment options so you pay as little as possible.

Multi-Policy Discounts

When you have all of your insurance in one place, you save more!  If your auto and home insurance is spread out between multiple companies or agencies, let us help you consolidate.  You’ll be better protected (with fewer gaps in coverage) and save money!

The key?  Talk to your SAV-ON agent!  When we schedule regular annual reviews, we can review your policy discounts and make sure you are receiving the best coverage at the best price.  

Call us today at 888-867-2866 to schedule an appointment or make an online appointment.